We also offer several other storage forms to help run your business. These include: "Credit Card Authorization" "Notice of Intent to Vacate" and "Change of Address" forms.
Credit Card Authorization: Today, less occupants use up front cash to make transactions. Most self-storage owners accept credit cards for the automatic payment of rent. This form contains necessary information regarding the rental transaction. It is also available in a version that incorporates direct checking account withdrawals.
Notice to Vacate: Most self-storage owners require customers to provide written notice of intent to vacate the rented space. This form will eliminate problems that occur when occupants move out by providing the owner information, including the date they will be vacating, in writing. By obtaining this notice in writing there will be no confusion regarding whether the property left in a space is still being stored or if it has been abandoned. Also, obtaining this information in writing allows the owner to accuratley calculate the last payment of rental and reserve the space for awaiting prospects.
Change of Address: Occupants relocating and moving in an ongoing constant in the self storage industry. This form which is padded in sheets of 50, can be placed in the rental office for easy access to keep track of address changes of occupants.
Misc. Storage Forms